Hello Keatsway Families! 

Happy March!  Wow, we were busy in February!  Our Wellness Day,   Science Fair and Move-a-thon were a huge success.  Thank you so much to all of our volunteers who helped us out for these events, we couldn’t have done it without you!

Wellness Day

Some of the highlights for our students were making stress balls, mindful colouring, learning about healthy eating and making peace rocks!  Our students also learned about  the science of the brain and how big emotions can make it difficult for us to learn and solve problems. We also learned about using mindfulness as a tool to help reset our brains and learn how to use different tools to calm down. The best tool, and the one we always have with us wherever we go is our breath. We then practiced different ways we can use our breath every day to help calm down or as exercises for the brain as a proactive way to be open to handling all of life’s challenges.

Our teachers also participated in a 1 hour session with Amanda Weber, Happiness Coach.  Her message was on how do we manage our stress? She informed us about how The World Health Organization estimates that over 75% of all doctor visits are in someway related to stress. It’s woven into every aspect of our lives; home, work, parenting and finances. Our bodies are primarily wired with an antidote to stress and many of us have no idea how to engage it, easily unlocking all the benefits for our health and happiness.

Through stories, exercises and “easy  to squeeze into your busy day” tips, Amanda Weber, Certified Instructor and Happiness Coach, teaches how to move from Stress to Success. It truly was a great day!

Keatsway Musical is coming together!

Shiver me timbers, matey!  This year we are proud to present Pirates Two! Mr. McIntyre and the cast have been rehearsing and they all sound GREAT! Our primary and junior choirs will be performing in the Musical.  We hope everyone gets involved!

Upcoming Events

Pizza Lunch – Every Monday

March Break – March 12-16

Popcorn Day – March 28

School Council Update

Thank you to our volunteers!!

A huge thank you to all of our volunteers who dedicate their time to the school. From organizing the Moveathon and ensuring a fun day, to serving pizza each Monday, repairing home reading books each week, helping at the Wellness Day and coordinating a successful Family Science Night, our awesome volunteers are always busy and happy to do what they can for Keatsway. For all your hard work, tireless effort and smiles…thank you so much!!

Playground Update

This past month has seen exciting progress with the playground plans. We are less than $1000 away from our $75,000 fundraising goal and are ready to go to tender! We have been busy meeting with representatives from the Board of Education and are looking forward to discussions with playground companies this coming month. With any luck, we will have a build date to announce in the April newsletter!

Corporate Donations

As previously mentioned, we are less than a $1000 away from our fundraising goal. To help us reach our final goal of building this Spring and to include the wider community, we launched a corporate donation campaign this past month. Businesses will receive a charitable tax receipt, as well as a variety of “recognition acknowledgements” to show our gratitude for your donation. If we surpass our goal, money will still be dedicated to the playground and will go towards additional play equipment. If you are interested in more information, or have suggestions of companies we should contact, please email keatswayschoolcouncil@gmail.com

Pizza Mondays

We will continue to serve pizza each Monday for grade 1-6 students. Cheese, pepperoni or veggie (green pepper) slices are available for $2.00/slice at first break each Monday.

School Council Meeting

There will be no School Council Meeting in March. Please join us at our April meeting on Thursday April 19th at 6:30pm in the library. Complimentary babysitting services are available during the meeting.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy March Break!

P Miller
