This year the grade 5 and 6 girls will have an opportunity to practise their volleyball skills and attend both home and away games. Look for the permission form coming home and send it back signed, if your child would like to be a part of this extra-curricular activity!

Practices will be held on Day 2 and Day 4. Girls need to come to all practices and be ready to start at 8:15 a.m.

Friday, October 24                                                        Monday, November 17

Tuesday, October 28                                                    Wednesday, November 19

Friday, October 31                                                        Monday, November 24

Tuesday, November 4                                                  Wednesday, November 26

Monday Novemver 10                                                  Monday, December 1

Wednesday, November 12                                          Wednesday, December 3


Information about games and tournaments will be shared as it becomes available.

Mme Bentz, Mlle Lefebvre, Mlle Schlumberger and Mrs. Zamin are looking forward to an awesome season with the girls!