Entry                                  9:20 a.m.

Nutrition Break #1        11:20 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Nutrition Break #2        1:30 p.m. -2:10 p.m.

Dismissal                         3:40 p.m.

In the morning the playground is supervised from 9:05 a.m. until classes begin. For reasons of safety, we request that you do not send your child to school before this time. Supervision is also provided during each nutrition break and at dismissal.

On days when the weather is inclement, we advise students to arrive no earlier than five or ten minutes before classes begin.


The school day is organized into 3 learning blocks and 2 nutrition/fitness breaks. Our first nutrition break will occur between 11:30 and 12:00. Our second nutrition/fitness break takes place between 1:30 and 2:10 p.m.  Each break consists of 20 minutes for eating and 20 minutes for playing. During the eating portion of the break, students will eat part of their lunch in their classroom. (Families may wish to label their child’s food with #1 and #2. This will help students know which food to each during the first and second nutrition breaks).

Notes to remember:

  •  students are expected to stay seated and focus on eating/drinking their snacks during nutrition breaks.
  • students who are staying for lunch are expected to participate in quiet activities in their lunchrooms on inclement weather days.