As Halloween is quickly approaching, we are going to be holding a “Dress As A Storybook Character” spirit day on Friday, October 30th. Students are welcome to come to school dressed in their character costume and are asked to bring the storybook to school to share with the class. Students are permitted to wear their costumes for the entire day, however, they need to still be able to participate in all school activities and use the washroom independently. Please remember that students are not to wear masks, or have any weapons (plastic swords, knives, guns, etc.). Please keep them at home.

Some classes may be holding an afternoon class celebration. Please check your child’s planner for more information from the teacher. Due to many student allergies we ask that you do not send in treats for the class unless your child’s teacher specifically communicates this request.

As well, our Keatsway Free The Children team will be hosting our annual “We Scare Hunger” food drive. Food donations will be collected at school on this day, October 30th, for one day only. Please consider the donation as your child’s “ticket” to dress up for the day. The Free the Children team will also be going door to door on Halloween night asking for donations which will be contributed to the local food bank.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher.