Beach Day is this Friday!

Students are encouraged to come dressed in shorts, t-shirts and bring sunglasses, hats and a beach towel! (Summer wear but No bathing suits, please!)

Thank you so much Keatsway families for all your support with the Moveathon! It was a great success and we heard so many positive comments from students, parents and staff. We are very close to hitting our $5000 target and are optimistic that we will meet that target. The first reward the school won is the Beach dress up day and this will happen on Friday March 11th.

The students are really looking forward to the other rewards which we do not have dates for, yet. The second reward is the staff pie in the face. The third is freezies for the entire school. The fourth is the silly string reward and the top reward is the Mad Science assembly. Many staff have signed up for the pie in the face and silly string events. Each child who participated (by bringing in at least $1) will have their name put into a draw. We will draw one child’s name from each class and this child will have the privilege operating a silly string can. The remaining names will be put into a Kindergarten draw category, a Primary draw category and a Junior draw category. We will draw several names from each category and these children will have the privilege of “throwing” the pies. We will wait until the snow is gone before doing the silly string and pie in the face rewards (we will draw the names the week of).

A huge thank you goes out to the Keatsway parents who organized and help make this event happen, Heidi Van Schaik, Jennifer McKinnon, Cheryl de Koning, Sheila Vardy, Sarah Weber, Kristie Kimmett and Alexander Pavlov. And special thanks to Mr. Gillians for being the DJ for the day.