The grade 4s, 5s and 6s are starting Ukulele in music. Students will have the option to take their ukulele home with them nightly to practice. If they choose to leave their uke at school, it will be stored on their class’ shelf in the music office (computer lab).

They will pick up their uke on the morning that they have music class.

Classes should bring their ukuleles for music class on the following days:

Mlle. Deleplanque: Days 1 and 5

Mlle. Pointon: Days 3 and 4

Ms. Shortt: Days 2 and 4

Mme. Bentz: Days 3 and 4

Mr. Mills: Days 2 and 4

Mr. Gillians: Days 2 and 3

Ms. Zamin: Days 4 and 5

The same logistics go for recorder, and Ms. Nordby’s class will need to bring their recorders on Days 1 and 5. Primary classes are not doing ukulele or recorder. However, there is a recorder club for grade 3s and 4s that started a while back and meets on Friday 1st Break, the whole break. Please see the Clubs and Athletics tab on the Keatsway website for more information.