September 25th, 2016
Dear Keatsway Families,
On Friday, September 30, Keatsway Public School is proudly participating in the National Terry Fox School Run. This week, students are invited to bring in loonies and toonies for Terry beginning on Tuesday, culminating with our run on Friday. Encouraging your child to contribute some funds of his/her own would be a most fitting way to recognize this occasion. Donations will most certainly be accepted after the run date. Junior students will view a video and begin their journey at about 12:30 p.m. Primary students begin at about 12:45 p.m. Kindergarten students will walk, jog, and/or run for about 30 minutes at 2:45 p.m. We welcome parents to come out and watch or participate in our Terry Fox Run. The Keatsway community has always been a wonderful sponsor in times of need, and we welcome your support for our Terry Fox School Run.