October 7th, 2016
Thank you for participating in Keatsway’s 2016 Fall Fundraising Campaign!
Our fundraiser is coming to an end on Tuesday, October 11th! To date, we have raised $964 towards our $8000 goal. We still have a long way to go, but we can do it! If you would like an additional Fresh from the Farm order form, or additional boxes of chocolate to sell over the long weekend (even before finishing the one you have), simply send in a note with your child & we will make sure you have them before the end of school on Friday.
All Farm orders & money, donations, chocolate bar money and unsold chocolate are due on Tuesday, October 11th. Please be sure the student’s name & class is on the collection envelope provided in the box and on the farm order form. All cheques should be made payable to Keatsway Public School.
A table will be set up by the gym doors from 9:00 to 9:45 on Friday and Tuesday morning where students and parents can return money, order forms and any unsold chocolate bars.