April 24th, 2017
Award-winning author Helaine Becker will be visiting the school on May 2 doing presentations for all the students at Keatsway. Ms Becker is an experienced and dynamic speaker, and will both entertain and educate our students.
Ms. Becker will have a limited number of signed books available for purchase on the day of her visit. Please click on the link below to see the order form. Please print it and return, with a cheque made out to Helaine Becker, to Mrs. Showers by Thursday, April 27th. She will endeavour to bring every book that is pre-ordered on May 2nd but all titles might not be in stock at the time of her visit. All book prices include the 5% HST.
For more information on Helaine Becker and her books go to www.helainebecker.com .