Dear Keatsway Families,

School council is ­­­­­excited to present our fall fundraiser! Money raised will be used to fund School Council initiatives such as support for field trips, Home Reading materials, sports equipment, Science Fair, and so much more! Visit for more information on all that we do.

Today the following information was sent home with your oldest/only child at Keatsway:

This fall we have three different ways to raise money for Keatsway, so we hope that all families can find a way to participate.

Back by popular demand, we are selling Laura Secord chocolate. Laura Secord offers premium quality, certified peanut-free and nut-free chocolate that is made in Canada.  All products are made fresh to ensure enjoyment.  Each carry box contains 30 assorted chocolate treats to be sold at $3.00 each, and Keatsway receives 50% from every treat that is sold. After the first box is sold, families are encouraged to pick up more boxes to sell!


For the third year, we will be selling Ontario grown produce through Fresh from the Farm.  There are two items to choose from.  Bundle A is an assortment of vegetables (5lb potatoes, 3lb carrots, 3lb onions, and 3lb sweet potatoes) that costs $14, and Bundle B is an 8lb box of Empire apples that costs $15, with Keatsway receiving 40% from every bundle sold.  Gather orders and return them on Oct. 15. The delivery will take place in November or early December, and we will let you know once we receive our notification, which will be 10 days in advance.


Lastly, donations to school council are always an easy and efficient way to support Keatsway.  And now donating is easier than ever! Simply write a cheque to “Keatsway Public School”, and all cheques over $15 will receive a tax receipt.  (Please note that cheques to “Keatsway Public School” for chocolate or produce orders are also accepted, but these are not eligible for tax receipts.) School Council receives 100% of funds donated!

START DATE: On Thursday, October 4, we will send home a case of chocolate*, a Fresh from the Farm order form, and detailed instructions with your oldest/only child.


Volunteers will be at a table outside the main office from 9:00 to 9:45 a.m. each morning from Oct 9-15 to accept donations and orders, and distribute additional chocolate bars to sell. If that is not a convenient time for you, please feel free to contact School Council directly by email at, or contact the school main office at 519-886-1650 and leave a message for us.


* If you do not want us to send a box of chocolate treats home with your child, please be sure to return the form at the bottom of the handout by Friday, September 28.

END DATE: All donations, chocolate bar money & unsold chocolate, and produce order money & forms must be returned to the school by Monday, October 15, 2018.


Thank you for your help, together we can make a difference at Keatsway!