To our valued parents who have previously served on School Council as well as new parents who would like to join:

Our first virtual School Council meeting of the year will be held on Monday October 4, 2021 at 7:00pm.

This meeting will be an opportunity to meet the principal (Scott Dowling), meet other parents, get an update on how the fall at Keatsway has been going, learn more about the role of the School Council, and ask questions. Nominations to School Council positions will be made at the next meeting.

If you are planning to attend, please email to confirm your attendance so an invitation can be sent to you.

For the foreseeable future, we will be planning virtual School Council meetings. This decision helps to ensure our staff and community are able to meet in a way that adheres to physical distancing protocols and limits non-essential visitors to our schools as per Public Health’s guidance and the Ministry of Education’s direction.

To assist School Council members in joining and participating in a Google Meet, the following resources were co-developed with Waterloo Region Assembly of Public School Councils (WRAPSC).

WRAPSC: Google Meets Getting Started

Google Meetings: Setting Up a Meeting

We hope you can join us!