January 04 2022
Good Afternoon Keatsway Families!
We recognize that our return from our winter break is less than ideal for many of you.  We are here to support you and want you to know that you can reach out anytime if you have any questions or concerns.

As of right now, tomorrow (Wednesday, January 5, 2022) we will begin our remote learning program until Friday, January 14, 2022.

Devices for those that need it will be deployed this afternoon and during the day tomorrow.


What to Expect:

-Your child’s teacher will connect with families today about what the schedule will look like and what the expectations will be for the next 2 weeks

-Students will be provided with synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities every day.

-Timetables will follow the Keatsway P.S. bell times.


Synchronous minutes for students:

(These minutes may be in the form of both whole group and small group instruction)

Kindergarten students – 180 synchronous minutes

Grades 1 to 8 students – 225 synchronous minutes

-Learning materials and activities are based on the Ontario Curriculum and include opportunities for guided instruction, large and small group learning, synchronous check-ins, and asynchronous independent work.

-It is very important that students are able to interact synchronously with their teacher and classroom peers throughout the school day.

-Student cameras are not required to be on, but encouraged – when possible.

-If you are absent, please contact the school as you normally would if we were in-person (Call 519-886-1650 or email kea-attendance@wrdsb.ca)


Remote Learning Expectations:

Student Expectations

-Attend each day for the full school day 9:20 am to 3:40 pm (please be sure to connect with your child’s teacher if this is not possible)

-Follow the schedule with specific subjects and times that include nutrition breaks

-Participate in both large and small group activities and independent work time

-Complete and submit work to your teacher

-Collaborate with educators and peers

-Receive ongoing and timely feedback on your work

Student Online Expectations

-Listen attentively during small group and whole group learning

-Be on time when joining a meet

-Mute your microphone if you are not speaking

-Be considerate when responding to the ideas of others

-Consider your environment while on a video Google Meet, for example, have your camera face a wall behind you, not a high traffic area


Code of Conduct for Parents/Caregivers

Encourage Student Learning

-Encourage their child to participate fully in their virtual class

-Allow your child to express their own thinking and demonstrate their own learning

-Assist with setting up a learning space in the home

Respect Privacy

-Respect the privacy of everyone in the virtual classroom

-Refrain from taking photos, screenshots, capturing images of other students

-Refrain from sharing the links to live meeting

Communicate with the Teacher

-Contact the teacher, using the teacher’s email or phone number, if one has been provided, about anything that is important to you and your student’s well-being or learning

-Staff will respond to emails or phone calls when they are able

Support Safe, Caring and Inclusive Classrooms

-Support the efforts of school staff in maintaining a safe, caring, and inclusive learning environment

-Celebrate, respect and recognize the diversity within your child’s virtual classroom.

-Reject all forms of intolerance and prejudice on the basis of race, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disabilities, and family status

Respect the Virtual Classroom

-Understand that the virtual classroom and live meets are for students and teachers only

-Parents/guardians should not appear on camera or speak directly to the teacher or class during the synchronous learning times

-Do not unmute the microphone during instruction to ask a question or access the chat feature unless there is an emergency

Best regards,

Scott Dowling, Principal

Julie Turner, Vice Principal