I hope that you and your family have enjoyed a wonderful summer! The start of a new school year is an exciting time that allows for new beginnings, new challenges and new learning opportunities. Personally I feel extremely fortunate to have been appointed the principal of Keatsway Public School and I look forward to working in your community. In my short time at Keatsway I am already realizing what a special place it is and the pride and enthusiasm people feel for our school.  

A big thank you to our secretarial staff for all of their hard work to ensure a successful September start up. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our custodial staff for the incredible job they have done! Keatsway looks fantastic and their hard work throughout the summer is greatly appreciated.

A big thank you goes out to our teachers, the planning, classrooms and bulletin boards look terrific and I know we are all excited to begin working with your children.

This year at Keatsway our school day begins at 9:20 am and ends at 3:40 pm. The First Nutrition Break runs from 11:20 am to 12:00 pm and the Second Nutrition Break runs from 1:30 pm to 2:10 pm.

Please take the time to carefully read through the registration package that will come home with your child/children on Tuesday.

Have a wonderful long weekend – we will see you Tuesday morning!

Mrs. Penny Miller
