Fall Fundraising Update

Our fall fundraising officially concluded today and we have passed the $9000 mark! That leaves us just under $1000 away from our $10,000 goal and earning a GaGa Ball Pit for the school! Thank you to everyone who helped us reach the $9000 mark! If you still have chocolate money at home, please send it […]

Committed to student belonging on Halloween, and everyday.

Halloween is just around the corner and this day that can be filled with excitement for many children. Halloween is often recognized with costumes and school activities, however it is important that schools continue to create a sense of belonging for each and every student. We recognize that not all families celebrate Halloween. October 31 […]

Annual Clothing Drive

The Free the Children group at Keatsway P.S. would like to invite you to our annual fall clothing drive to be held on Thursday November 16 from 3-5 PM in Keatsway’s gym. Please save your clean, used clothing for the clothing drive and you can start bringing it in as soon as possible. We are also accepting baby items […]

Chocolate money due tomorrow!

All chocolate fundraising is due tomorrow, Tuesday October 17th. Please return all money in an envelope, marked with your child’s name and class. The total owing for a full case is $90.00. If everyone who still has a case of chocolate at home, brings in their $90, we will pass our fundraising goal and earn the GaGa […]

Last weekend to sell chocolate!

Our fall fundraising is wrapping up and this is our final weekend. We have passed the halfway mark to reaching our goal, but still have more to do to win the GaGa ball pit. We have done some exciting math and figured out that if everyone who currently has chocolate at home, successfully sells their […]

Picture Day

Picture day for all students will be on Thursday October 19th.  Proofs of your child’s photo will be sent home for you to purchase if you like.

Fall Fundraising Continues!

Our Fall Fundraising is still continuing until next Tuesday. Please continue selling your chocolate and accepting donations for the school and thank you to everyone who collected produce orders. There is a tight race for the “class with the highest participation” prize and many classes are close to 100% of students participating in our Fall campaign. […]

Fresh from the Farm orders

Last chance for Fresh From the Farm Orders! You have one last chance to submit your Fresh From the Farm orders. All orders must be received by noon on Wednesday October 11th, in order to be processed.

AYC Programs At Keatsway!

Come out and join us! Kids Club – Grade 1-6  Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm – come for games, crafts, a healthy snack, and other fun recreational activities. Youth Club – Grade Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm – sports, snacks, and other fun recreational activities. The grade 6 participants can choose to come to either program, but not both. This program […]

School bus driver availability

School bus operators are currently experiencing a school bus driver shortage. This shortage is being experienced across the province, and Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region (STSWR) has until this year been able to provide consistent service to all schools. For the region’s public and Catholic schools, 426 bus routes have been contracted to provide […]

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