School Council Tonight!

Hi Keatsway Parents, Please come out to our first School Council meeting tonight from 6:30-8 pm in the library. Everyone is welcome and babysitting is provided. Hope to see you there! L. Briscoe

Pack Those Veggies and Fruit

According to a Canadian survey, 7 out of 10 children get less than the recommended servings of five fruits and vegetables per day1. That’s 70 percent of them! 5 servings may sound like a lot, but if you include fruit or vegetables with every meal (maybe a fruit with breakfast and a vegetable with both […]

Reminder for Pizza, Pita Pit, Milk and snack orders (Grades 1-6)

Food and milk delivery from Elementary School Nutrition Services (ESNS) starts Monday September 29th! If you still wish to order for your child, the deadline for ordering has been extended to Thursday morning September 25, since this is the first order of the year. Mondays will be pizza days, Wednesday is snack day, and Friday is Pita Pit […]

Meet the Staff BBQ

Hi Keatsway Families, I hope to see everyone come out for the Meet the Staff BBQ on Thursday, Sept. 11 from 5:30-7 pm. Hot dog, hamburger and veggie dog combos will be available for $6. No need to order in advance. Don’t forget to stop off at the School Council table to find out how […]

Running Club at Keatsway

Running Club will be starting next week for grade 4-6 students. Students should come to school in their running clothes and wearing their running shoes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 8:30-9:00 am. Students will meet in the gym and will not have access to classrooms. Bring a water bottle and a healthy snack for after your run. More […]

Change in Date for 1st School Council Meeting

Hi Keatsway Families, The first Keatsway School Council Meeting has been changed to Tuesday, September 30 now, due to a conflict with the date for the first School Council meeting at Centennial. Sorry for any inconvenience. Everyone is welcome! Babysitting is provided. I am looking forward to seeing you! Mrs. Briscoe Principal  

School Starts Tuesday at 9:20 am!

Construction will be complete and Keatsway School will be open and ready on Tuesday, September 2nd to welcome students to the new school year. Class lists will be posted at the back of the school later today. Remember we have a new 9:20 start time! Have an amazing long weekend. See you Tuesday! If you don’t have […]

New School Times for Keatsway

I apologize for all the emails yesterday! There was a glitch when clearing out all the old posts and it caused them to be reposted. This is a reminder that Keatsway School has new bell times starting September, 2, 2014. New Bell Times Start: 9:20 am  Nutrition Break 1: 11:20 – 12:00 Nutrition Break 2:   1:30 –  2:10 […]

Office Opens Soon!

Due to construction the office will be closed Monday, August 25, 2014 Office Hours:  August 26-August 28, 2014 Office Opens 9:00 am Closed for Lunch 12:30-1:30 pm Office Closed 3:30 pm Friday, August 29, 2014 – Office is open from 9:00am-12:00 noon                          

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