November 24th, 2017
Keatsway Families!
You may have recently received a green sheet home in your child’s planner outlining “The Gift of Play”. If you have not received or had an opportunity to read this form, please see the attachment to this email.
We would like to take the time to remind you of Giving Tuesday on November 28th. This day is a global movement that encourages individuals, charities and businesses to come together to celebrate giving. We hope that you will keep Keatsway Public School in mind when giving back on Tuesday to help build our playground. Remember that all donations will be matched by our generous donor.
In order to make a donation please follow this link , then select Keatsway PS and in the Message section type Playground:
If you are planning to give the “Gift of Play” as a gift this holiday season, donations and requests for cards must be received by December 18th.
Thank you for your continuous support.